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ApricotKing News
Spring Blossoms
We took a ride out in our 57 acre orchard last night. The apricots are in full …
2025 Update
Recovering from a record smashing Holiday Season.We thank our staff who pulled …
About ApricotKing
Since 1946, the Gonzales family has grown the rare and fabulous California Blenheim apricots. Grown on our Hollister ranch, we continue to be the farmer, pruner, dryer, packer, and seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot. We produce the best tasting apricots in the world all "Home Grown in the Flavor Zone"!
In addition to our incredible dried apricots, be sure to discover our variety of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds) and other dried fruits (peaches, pears, prunes, and more). For those who believe less is more, we have dark and delicious unsulfured dried apricots. And don't forget our sweet and tart selection of apricot jams and syrups as well as our decadent chocolate covered fruits and nuts. Simply delicious! Everything here on the ranch is organically grown.
Our History

Since 1926, we have been a family owned and operated business. As for apricots, our parents, Frank and Mary Gonzales began farming them here in Hollister when they were married 52 years ago. In addition, they raised three children on the 120 acre ranch you see pictured here.
Apricots and walnuts have been farmed exclusively since their son, Gary, returned from a stint in the Peace Corps in 1971. Gary does the farming, Patti, his wife, does the bookwork, Dad does the never-out-of--retirement-Ramrodding, and the kids do the packaging and labeling.
Our apricots are the best in the world because they are HOME GROWN IN THE FLAVOR ZONE. We raise only the Blenheim variety of apricot which is a very delicate and perishable fruit. This is the kind of cot that you cannot buy in the store. It is so fragile and juicy that it cannot be transported well.
We cut and dry all our cots within two days of harvest. We always tell people "nothing tastes better than a Blenheim apricot grown in the Santa Clara valley area". The Santa Clara valley once famous for its fertile soil and delicious fruits, now grows houses and freeways, so that leaves Hollister, at its remote southern end, as the best place to grow this superb variety of apricot. If you know your cots, there's no comparison!
Our ApricotKing cots are low in sulphur, pesticide-free, and over-ripe. Apricots of course are an excellent source of iron, potassium, and vitamin A.
We really believe we have the best quality, best-tasting, and best priced fruit on the market. It has to be because it's ours and it's