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About ApricotKing

Since 1946, the Gonzales family has grown the rare and fabulous California Blenheim apricots. Grown on our Hollister ranch, we continue to be the farmer, pruner, dryer, packer, and seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot. We produce the best tasting apricots in the world all "Home Grown in the Flavor Zone"!

In addition to our incredible dried apricots, be sure to discover our variety of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds) and other dried fruits (peaches, pears, prunes, and more). For those who believe less is more, we have dark and delicious unsulfured dried apricots. And don't forget our sweet and tart selection of apricot jams and syrups as well as our decadent chocolate covered fruits and nuts.  Simply delicious! Everything here on the ranch is organically grown.


Patti and Gary Gonzales, Hollister, CA

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Mom's Favorite Apricot Squares

Ingredients (filling):

Directions (filling)

Place the apricots in a large saucepan and add water. It should cover the apricots by about an inch. If it doesn't add or remove water. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce heat. Simmer uncovered for 15 minutes or until apricots are tender and most of the liquid is absorbed. Drain and save any remaining liquid.

Combine the reserved apricot liquid with the sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes. Stir in chopped apricots and set the mixture aside to cool.

Ingredients (crust):

Directions (crust)

In a medium sized mixing bowl, cream together the butter, sugar, salt, and baking soda. Mix in the flour and add nuts. The mixture will be crumbly.

Directions (assembly)

Set aside about 1 1/2 cups of the crust mixture. Pat the remaining mixture into an ungreased 9 x 13 inch pan. Bake the crust in a preheated 350 degree oven for 10 minutes.

Remove crust from oven and spread apricot mixture evenly over it. Sprinkle with reserved crust mixture and more nuts. Return the pan to the oven and bake for an additional 30 minutes or until the squares begin to turn a light, golden brown.

Remove from oven and place the pan on a rack to cool. Cut into 2" squares.
Yields about 24 squares.