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  • Fresh are coming!

    Fresh Blenheim apricots will be available after July 4.,Frequently asked …

  • Spring time!

     Nothing is more beautiful than apricot trees in full bloom. See our …

About ApricotKing

Since 1946, the Gonzales family has grown the rare and fabulous California Blenheim apricots. Grown on our Hollister ranch, we continue to be the farmer, pruner, dryer, packer, and seller of the vanishing Blenheim apricot. We produce the best tasting apricots in the world all "Home Grown in the Flavor Zone"!

In addition to our incredible dried apricots, be sure to discover our variety of nuts (walnuts, pistachios, almonds) and other dried fruits (peaches, pears, prunes, and more). For those who believe less is more, we have dark and delicious unsulfured dried apricots. And don't forget our sweet and tart selection of apricot jams and syrups as well as our decadent chocolate covered fruits and nuts.  Simply delicious! Everything here on the ranch is organically grown.


Patti and Gary Gonzales, Hollister, CA

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Unsulphured Blenheim Apricots 14 oz


 Unsulphured Blenheim apricots are sun dried with no sulphur dioxide. 

They are dried (almost cured) for about 7 days, scraped, washed, and redried.

This year's unsulphured are the best we've ever done....magnificently rich in color and flavor. 

 They can be frozen or refrigerated for years.

We keep them very dry......but you can soften them up with a little water.

The Blacker they are.....the sweeter they are.

All our fruit is organically grown. 

These 14 oz unsulphured are spectacular color and taste.

Available in bulk also.  

Freeze or refrigerate.




Product Reviews

Showing reviews 1-10 of 95 | Next

  1. Best ever??

    Posted by Steven B on Aug 28th 2024

    Just received my newest batch of dried, unsulfured Blenheims and they are especially plump and tasty. This might be the best batch of cots since I've been buying them, and I look forward to enjoying them well into next year. Thanks to Gary, Patti and everyone at ApricotKing for providing great products!

  2. You won't find a better dried apricot anywhere!

    Posted by Unknown on Feb 18th 2024

    ApricotKing's products are superior. I purchase the unsulphered apricots, and the are the best I have found anywhere, bar none. The low sugar jam is so delicious and doesn't have the over sweetness of other jams. Can't recommend more highly.

  3. Unsulfured Apricots

    Posted by Mike2 on Feb 18th 2024

    These apricots look a little homely because the “King” does not use sulfur dioxide on them during the drying process. BUT, the lack of sulfur dioxide also means that you get the true apricot flavor in every bite! Try them, Mikey likes them!

  4. Wonderful Unsulfered Apricots Grown Nearby

    Posted by Deb on Jul 23rd 2023

    So happy we found these available. They are high quality and delicious. They arrived very quickly.

  5. Delicious apricots

    Posted by Unknown on Jul 22nd 2023

    I'm addicted to the unsulfured Blenheims. I snack on them throughout the day.

  6. Blenheim Apricots are the best for flavor!

    Posted by Susan on Jun 25th 2023

    I just made some apricot bread that rocked my boat! Thanks to once living in California, I was introduced to Blenheims. Now that I'm in Minnesota, I know where to go to get them and I don't have to worry about preservatives. Blemheim Apricots are simply the best for flavor.

  7. Dried Fruit

    Posted by Unknown on Apr 22nd 2023

    The products are of great quality. Will reorder again.

  8. Great apricot

    Posted by Unknown on Feb 27th 2023


  9. wonderful product

    Posted by John Gunnell on Feb 22nd 2023

    probably more apricots than I needed but put rest in freezer. delicious

  10. Packaged unsulphured apricots

    Posted by Eric Jackson on Feb 14th 2023

    These are delicious and my favorite apricots. I like these in the package much better than the bulk. They are softer and sweeter. I use to purchase these from Trader Joe's and when I found they were no longer there, I was devastated. I'm glad I found you online.

Showing reviews 1-10 of 95 | Next

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